Friday, March 25, 2011


sumpah ! aku gembirre gle arie nie,,,
aku balik nek bas kul 10...sampai kol 12.35
then akk aku amek aku pastu pegi ts,,,
jalan2 beli baju,,rantai, gelang,beg
and barang2 shinee,,,aku beli t-shirt, keychain,
ngn gelang shinee~ beshnye !!!
pastu pegi low yat ! pegi jalan2,,then jumpe
kamerea fujifilm instax 7s yg aku nk 2...ske sgt\
dapat jgk aku beli kamera yg aku idam2kan 2..\
terima kasih Allah~
sesungguhnye kau maha pemurah ~
Alhamdulillah ~

Saturday, February 12, 2011

PiZZa !


dah sebulan~ hmmm..memang sah aku pemalas,,,nak update benda nie pun kena tunggu sebulan lorr,,, arie nie 12/2/2011...thanks Allah coz realisasikan impian aku yg x bape nak beso sangat,,*makan pizza*...Alhamdullilah sesangat,,,thanks jugk kpd anis,dayah ngn ira,,,coz dyeorg gak hasrat ini tercapai,,,,cepat sangat mase berlalu,,aku dah dewasa !! perjuangan mesti diteruskn,,,aja2 fighting,,,

I LoVe U norashikin mokhtar !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

handphone baru !

hahahaha~ thanks to anis zainudin,,akhir aku bukak gak blog aku yg tga berhabuk + labah-labah yg tga buat sarang n telah menjadi sebuah rumah antu ! umm,,,happy new year...wlaupun terlambat,,tpi masih sempat kan?? btul x?? kan? kan? um,,this new year, aku guna handphone baru kowt ! semua nie x dirancang pun sebenarnye ^^ it's happened by itself...memule bercadang nak beli polaraid kamera yg macm aku post sebelom nie,,then,,mase nk beli akk aku g mgasut aku lak 2,,dye kap dripada aku beli kamera 2,,bek aku beli handphone baru,,then,,aku pun pk2 balek,,mmg btul pun ! hp aku dah la selalu hang,,saje je kan nk bwat aku geram...then,,lepas survay bbrape kedai,,,akhirnye aku beli la hp nokia c5-o3...mcm pelik je...coz hp 2 touch skrin kot...aku nie mne la reti sgt,,so....aku tekan2 jela...nie la gmbo dye ! kat sebelah kiri 2~ kekeke^^

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

vacation !!

buzy tgk map kat tambun~

aliya posing lebey2

infront of tambun~

kitty,,kity cat !

wif my lovely mother !!

going vacation with my family,,,fun3x,,,i had so much funn~~~
life is wonderful,,,,,lol~~~~
thanks Allah~~~

fujifilm instax mini 7

i really2 want tiz camera,,,!!! arrgghhh !!! want it really bad...please,,,someone give it to me!!!
ya Allah,,,give me some money to buy this thingss,,,~~~ can i???
i really want it,,,but it's expensive!!! hopely i will get it,,someday!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

i need some rest lorr..
owh ya..jonghyun already got a gf..
kinda sad lorr..
nvrmind la..still got key..
key..u sick right now rite?? get some rest loorr/
i'm worried bout u..please stay healthy 4 me..
kind of hurt when i see ur sad face..
please..take care ur health..
gonna miss u..//
gud nite honey~
hopefully having a great dream bout u..n me..